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LPRP2 Confidence Building Course Project

Ronke Emmanuel

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

On the 13th of July the LPRP2 Confident Building (CB) students surprised themselves and came out with an "I can do it" mindset. The students after their CB sessions were given the task of organising a coffee morning event for lone parents in the Medway community.

The task was to handle the project from start to delivery.

The CB tutor said: "I am more than proud to see the team spirit, creativity, innovation and enthusiasm put into the projects"

They had several meetings, invited speakers for health, money management and business set up talks, distributed leaflets, prepared and delivered their speeches and on the day moderated the programme. The attendance was very impressive and in fact the most attended event thus far.

One of our students, K.P., couldn't face people before the CB course but at the event she made a speech as she shared her experience with other lone parents and encouraged them to attend the course.She also referred to how CCT had helped her to overcome many barriers.

K.P. said: "I surprised myself doing this"

The team will be organising another event on the 9th December with new students joining them.

2016 was an amazing year for the LPRP2 project which had impacts on the lives of service users. Follow this link to read some more great stories.

Click here for more information on the LPRP project.


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